Monday, November 14, 2011

2011 Eagle Awards

Well, it looks like we all got a bit side-tracked and let September slip by without the annual Eagle awards. Please make your 1-2 nominations and reasoning on the following:

High Flyer - greatest overall Eagle of the year
Essence of Black Hawk - Eagle who gets back to our native american roots the best
Eagle Vision - Eagle who best spreads the word about our club
Old Prospector - Eagle who tackles El Dora with glory
Hatchling - best new Eagle
Jello Molder of the Year - Eagle who attended least events/came least prepared
Mother Hen - best supporting non-Eagle
Atheagle - greatest athletic achievement for an Eagle


Anonymous said...

yo yo whats up eagles. going to toss in the first ballot all the way from the northwoods.
My high flyer noms- mike "no last name" for continuing to be legendary and scarce. As a dark horse in the race, kyle buddy. Seems like he is turning a new leaf being a bit more social. rumor has it dude is even returning/answering phone calls.
essence of black hawk- braden seems like he's on vision quest.
eagle vision- steven for hosting outdoor living room and all the hype it rallies or rott for inspiring eagle vision every year on the youth of the world.
old prospector- john for actually sticking with the group at eldora for once.
hatchling- absentee on this?
jello molder- zach just cuz i haven't seen or heard much from the big man. i guess taking care of kids puts a crunch on the leisure time .
mother hen-erin.... if not an already an eagle?
atheagle- scotty for winning outdoor living room again?!? damn
so thats my nominations.
keep flying high and far.

Scotty - The Mule - Dont said...

High Flyer: John for being the straw that stirs the drink...Scotty for having never missed an Eagle event since the beginning of the FESC (that's 5+ yrs)
Blackhawk: John for getting his speaking gigs going strong which spreads the metaphorical peace pipe to the tribal youth...and for the occasional trip to the casino for some Craps...that's def Native American culture.
Eagle Vision: John for his talks, contingent upon him working "Flying Eagles", "Outdoor Livingroom", and "Ca-Caaawww" into his future talks.
Old Prospector: Mike for his foreman duties, but he loses points for leaving behind a frisbee with his last name on it...or Scotty for all the VIP decorations, and for covering up Mike's last name on his frisbee...or Rott for the Eagle van decals
Hatchling: dont think we had any new Eagles, but I'd nominate Craig for scoring a condo time-share in New Orleans and his brute strength/weight needed to erect a free standing door in the middle of ODLR
Jello Molder: Steven "I only played home games, but now I don't even go out when Halloween is at my house"
Mother Hen: Erin for Guess Who and for going to all the events
Athleagle: Scotty - Undefeated/Undisputed 4-Time Olympic Champion