Friday, December 18, 2009

Athletic Department expands

Well it's that time of the year again, the holidays and all. The Eagles want to wish everyone a happy holidays and a safe holiday. Some of the Eagles hooked up for Marcus's b-day in Des Moines. And yes thier was a jello-mold present.

Now on to more important matters; The athletic Department fields a flag football team which when last constructed dashed it's way into the quarter finals of the Iowa games. It took a year off, but the team will be stronger and return with a new fire.

We also field a basketball team which has been competitive but tasted more disappointment than glory. We have been competitive in each pool play but haven't been able to advance out of the first round yet. This year them team will be fielded again with one goal in mind of advancing into a second round. the team will be constructed the first week of January for the February tournament

Now on to the announcemnt of Athletic Department expansion. We all now our hatchling of the year Luis, if you don't know Luis has these great but crazy ideas. Luis came to me and ask me if I wanted to do an adventure race. Which consists of running, biking, kayaking, and repelling for 25, to 50 miles depending on the race. So Luis who had been working out since for about 6 months before me started me on a program for adventure racing. It's tough to keep up with Luis Ocho Cruz. He's more deadicaded and the driving force behind this. I'm the lacky hoping to keep up A number of days I have fallen short but rolling into January I have rounded my body back into shape and can safely say The Eagls will field an adventure race team this year, We have called our selves Wolf pak of two, but we are open to suggestions for names.

Here's hoping we had to Eagles glory on and off the field of competition.

From the office of the Athletic Department
Saying, I had no clule I still put together a six minute mile and not die

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