Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all ages, The Flying eagles proudly bring to you, the skee ball champion of Scottie's Garage
The one, the myth, the legend, The man known to his close friends as the hipster, John Paul Derryberry
Hope the skee ball tourney got you warmed up for the real thing, because that was just the pre-lims. On to the real competition.
I have sent out hundreds of texts, but let's make it official
May 28th in Cedar Rapids it's time for the 14th Annual 5th time done Flying Eagles out door living room. We have a door and carpet, what will we add this year?
It will run through the 31st, we are trying to top 24 guests and 17 people thinking it's a yard sale, so spread the word.
Rumors are flying around about this year events, I know they are increasing to 13, it will be decide here shortly so please submit your ideas to the committee of three Steven, kyle, and john who host this event, with the wonderful help of Mesha
On a more serious note,
This year at the Out Door Living Room, we will be celebrating a friendships of Kyle, John, and Braden. It's been nine years since they came together to form the heart and soul of 73 cents rich, 2 shots last letter, and the uncle dannies. They have been through the best of times, (el Orchard, the San Diego road trip, El Dora, and numerous other events) They leave a mark on your soul whether you wanted it or not, Through it all they have stay true to Fake it till you make it, It's aint my shit, and most importantly wait it out. So please join them on this fine occasion where they and you will celebrate the true definition of friendship.
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