It;s that time of year where we all gather and nominate those eagles who have seperated themselves from the flock by the slightest of feathers. A number of event, phrases, and actions have put thier stamps on Eagle lore this year, which ones stood out most in your mind
Please nominate with your heart
High Flyer of the year greatest overall eagle of the year
Essance of Black Hawk: The eagle who gets back to our native american roots the best
Eagle Vision The Eagle who best spreads the word about our club
Old Prospector the eagle who tackles El Dora with glory
Hatchling Best new eagle
Jello Molder of the year Eagle who attended least events/came least prepared
Mother Hen best supporting non-eagle
Atheagle Greatest athletic achievemnt for an eagle
Please Honor our past present and our future.
Hatchling: Nominating the kids at 4 Oaks for yet another year of support at the IA Games and some entertaining drawings for the Olympic posters...These kids need some recognition
Jello: Jess for not thinking through the Olympic bet and signing John up for Internet dating, thus allowing him far greater access to crazy women (you gave the moster steriods)...Marcus for being Marcus...and James for not bringing diapers or his own tent to piss in at Eldora
Mother Hen: Tough one this year...Mesha def made a bad-ass mascot uniform
If mandates dont specify that "mother hen" has to be female, then I also nominate the 4 Oaks group
Eagle Vision: John seems to have his talons locked into this year after year...but I am going outside the box this year and nominating "Outdoor Livingroom" for the official award, as there has never been so much hype created as this year's ODLR. ODLR brought in the usual avid yard-salers, but this year it took it to a whole new level roping in cops, a NY photographer, and a Schwans delivery.
Prospector: RangerRott for the repeat - trashy attire, shopping solely at RockStop, backwoods beer tour, and jump-starting a big ass truck...and i just want to throw James' name out there for managing to piss in the reigning Prospector's tent, then passing out for 15 hrs...ballsy
Athleagle: Scotty for the Olympic 3-peat...Luis for a strong Olympic performance and making the gender line in Olympic Slip'N'Slide a bit hazey
Black Hawk: Marcus gets a shout for leaving his job and heading to wisconsin to work the land on an organic...however...i gotta put John as the front runner for his nature race training and the countless hours of work and dedication it has taken, and to top it off...leaving the tribe at eldora (again) to go on the hunt for the sister of a girl who a few moons previous was speared on a car hood. the hunt took to the woods of eldora where she shared her sister's fate. i officially propose that this event be referred to only as taking down "The Great White Buffalo"
High Flyer: John for all the hard work and noteable happening this year...or Ranger Rott for the way he makes the most of the few events he is able to attend and always elevating the moments to new heights
The Hipster's thoughts
Ath-eagle Luis for dropping all the weight and competing in a number of more races then I did
Mother hen-I nominate Mesha for the eagle mascot
Black Hawk Marcus
High Flyer, Rott what commitment to make it every year to El dora
Eagle Vision, Kyle and Steven, they helped me take the ODLR to a new level this year
Ole' Prospector: I'm going for Mike queitly always adds to the crowd at El Dora, and the best beer belly of us all
hatchling: james for pissing the tent
Jello Molder: Steven for only playing the home event, he needs to travel once in a while
Due to the limited number of official engagements I am in attendance for I can only weigh in a small number of these categories.
Hatchling: James. I mean it is a trashy weekend and he pees in the south wing of the mansion (now officially the Essex wing). Then goes MIA the rest of the weekend.
Ol' Prospector: James. F*** your tent, cracker!
Ath-eagle: John for being the only person who spends the entire weekend in El Dora trying to get laid by a river rat. You are playing in a game the rest of us aren't even in. Its like you are playing a sick game of 'poontang tether ball' at Eldora. You spend the whole weekend focused on swinging your balls around a pole, oblivious to what is going on around you, or to pointlessness of the game. Yet you persevere, and never take your eyes off the prize (prize may be a bit much, the women you chase aren't exactly pork queens ... maybe goal would be better) That makes you an Ath-Eagle in my book.
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