well another year in the books for the Flying Eagles, with success stories to go around. We've added the two points that weren't, Adam's washed out clean, stretched our wings to Minnesota, John is so strong, and a man eating light bulbs. What awaits our little club for next year is unknown but it will be fun
It's time to nominate who we felt who was the best of the nest this year,
The nomination will be ca-narrowed down to two in each category and then we will vote for the winners.
High Flyer, the Eagle who had the best year in the nest
past winners Braden 2008 Zach 2007
Eagle Vision the Eagle who best spreads the message of our nest
past winner John 2008 and 2007
Essence of Black Hawk, the eagle who gets back to our native American roots
past winners Braden 2008, Kyle 2007
Jello molder of the year, the eagle least prepared for events
past winners Kyle 2008, Marcus 2007
Old prospector, the eagle who has the best El Dora run
Past winners Scottie 2008 Braden 2007
The hatch ling of the year, best new rookie
Past winners, Steven 2008 and Ross 2007
The Athegle; best eagle in our sporting events
Past winner Braden 2008
The mother hen award: greatest non member taking care of the eagles
past winners Mesha 2008, Jamie 2007
Sometimes with Eagle awards its not were you finished but how good you looked trying to pull it off
From the Offices of Cedar Rapids
saying I'm be shocked if Kyle doesn't get jello-molder again.
High Flyer: Scottie for his comitment to excellance with costumes, and attending all events
Eagle Vision: Zach for continueing to create shirt designs as well as the face book page
Athegle: Marcus for game two of the basketball iowa games
Mother Hen: Repeat Mesha
Jello Molder: Kyle Johnson
Old Prospector: Adam soon to be Danger Rott
Hatch Ling of the year: Luis
Essance of Black Hawk: Zach for braving a life in a small town in minnasota
High Flyer: John and Scotty continually bring the hype and try to out-do each other just to make the other one try harder (the costumes,the cougars, and the one-liners), so I think it boils down to these 2
EagleVision: John seems to have a lock on this, but I agree with the Zach nomination
BlackHawk: Zach for venturing up to the northwoods for an opportunity to better his family...also Steven for inviting John/Kyle/NewDog into his TeePee & for the thoughtful act of getting NewDog for KyleBuddy (even though he failed to sleep outside during Outdoor Livingroom
Jello: I think it's time that this award be restored to its rightful glory! I think Scotty and John find the greatest joy in the random obscurity of the Mold (as evident by them taking one to the bar for NewYears and doing Jello shots) so I nominate John as the person who is least prepared, but finds the most success out of that...also for flying away from the Eldora nest for the 2nd year in a row (for a girl...for the 2nd year in a row)
Prospector: even people that weren't there know it's Ranger-Danger Rott...honorable mention to Braden for the facial/body hair Eagles
Hatchling: Luis
Mother Hen: Jess
Athleagle: Marcus for bball...Scotty for repeating as Olympics champion
I like it! Taking back the jello molder to its respectable place.
With that in mind i vote:
jello molder- scotty, based on randomness he's $.
eagle vision- john and john. the dudes the "wind behind the eagle wings". mostly cause he's the only one who organizes our shit. Wish i could of made it up to visit zachs rendevous tho.
high flyer-- i'm going to go ahead and give the nod to rottinghaus. Dufrainess respectivally aside, its soon to be dr. danger. Thats heady stuff.
mother hen- mesha for hosting a real hospitable outdoor living room. i think jess is already an eagle right??? im going to give a nomination to tara for about slappin a hoe to get johns hat back on st pattys day in des moines.
Blackhawk-- zach apparantely moved to the final frontier and lives in a wigwam. so i like him for this one. still want to see one letzring trip to eldora, just one!
hatchling- sweet lou easy. bout time eagles got some diversity.
atheagle-- scotty. no choice but to nominate the two time olympic champion.
old prospector- rott, i'm real happy for you and imma gonna let you finish... but braden had someone of the best facial hair/chest hair designs ever! (when are we going to create an award for this>)
whens the next event?
the most difficult voting since the creation of the awards, it was a very good year that has to be topped this year starting with halloween comming up in three weeks which I nominate "Lebowski" or "The Big Lebowski" if your not into the whole brevity thing.
The Awards:
high flyer- I'm hopping on the bandwagon JIm started with
Adam Richard "dont call me dick" Rottinghaus. I think he exemplifies exactly what the eagles are all about.
Athleagle- without football this year, the olympics are heavily weighted in this category, so Scottie gets my vote.
Essence of blackhawk- Zach starting his own tribe on his own reservation much respect.
Hatchling- Luis.
mother hen- not sure how this is even a decision for anyone, jessica would beat some veteran eagles in voting for awards so this ones easy.
Old prospector- Rott. andy dufrane minus all the human shit.
Jello molder- Kyle.
eagle vision- obviously john.
High Flyer: Scott Smith
Eagle Vision: JP
Athegle: Scotty
Mother Hen: no vote
Jello Molder: Kyle Johnson
Old Prospector: Adam Rott
Hatch Ling of the year: No vote
Essance of Black Hawk: I will go me here i hate to do it
sorry for the delay on the post but shit happens ill go Leboswki as well. also braden sent out a NBA league and i want to do another one with as many people as will stay and play through out. so ill send out the details and spread the news or spread the news on bradens and ill send last years league out.
one love
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